Investegate Wärtsilä Oyj Abp Announcements


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Risto Murto, 57, 2014, Independent Director. Jukka Kumpulainen, 52, -, Vice President, Chief  Startsida » Investor relations » Bolagsstyrning » Bolagsledning Erfarenhet: Inköpskonsult, inköpsansvarig Wärtsilä Dieselkraftverksenhet, inköpare SAAB  NCC utför grundläggning och betongarbeten när Midroc Rodoverken med Wärtsilä som byggherre uppför en tank för förvaring av 50 000 kbm flytande naturgas  Investor Relations Manager. Metra, H:fors (numera Wärtsiläkoncernen). ▷ Financial Controller. Wärtsilä Diesel, Strasbourg, Frankrike. Ovakos förra ägare – SKF, Rautaruukki och Wärtsilä – skriver av Ovako är jätteviktiga för oss, säger Marita Björk på SKF Investor Relations.

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For press information, please contact: Atte Palomäki Executive Vice President, Communications, Branding & Marketing Tel: +358 10 709 5599 . Wärtsilä in brief Natalia Valtasaari Vice President, Investor Relations Tel: +358 10 709 5637 Källa Cision Enter your email address and you will get a mail for verification you subscription to content on this page and filter Wärtsilä's financial information for the first quarter of 2020 and for the full year 2019 has been adjusted to reflect the group's new reporting structure. As of the second quarter of 2020, Marine Power, Marine Systems, Voyage, and Energy constitute the reportable segments of the group, while Portfolio Business continues to be reported as other business activities. Investor Relations Coordinator at Wärtsilä. Investor Relations Coordinator, Finance & Control at Wärtsilä HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences Roche Diagnostics Investor Day 2021. Roche has hosted a virtual event on Tuesday, 23 March 2021.


Services related order intake The technology group Wärtsilä has appointed Hanna-Maria Heikkinen, M.Sc. (Econ.), as the new Vice President, Investor Relations as of 1 July 2021. Hanna-Maria will be responsible for heading Wärtsilä’s Investor Relations team and will report to Arjen Berends, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

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Wärtsilä investor relations

Further information: Natalia Valtasaari Vice President, Investor Relations Tel. +358 10 709 5637 [email protected] The report also includes a Wärtsilä Stories section with further information on Wärtsilä’s business environment and on sustainability.

Wärtsilä investor relations

The Wärtsilä Oyj Investor Relations app gives you all the latest investor and financial media information you need in an optimized format. The App allows you to get the latest share price information and corporate news as well as review financial reports and presentations and corporate video and earnings presentations both online and offline. Features include: • Content available online Wärtsilä’s order intake in January-March totalled EUR 1,247 million (1,416), a decrease of 12% compared to the corresponding period last year. The book-to-bill ratio was 1.07 (1.23).
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Primary working experience Other combustion engines not included. In engine technology Wärtsilä has a leading position.

Wärtsilä’s Investor Relations (IR) team, consisting of the CEO, CFO, Vice President for Investor Relations, and IR Manager, participated in over 310 investor meetings during 2019. The team also maintained regular contact with equity research analysts throughout the year. The technology group Wärtsilä has appointed Hanna-Maria Heikkinen, M.Sc.
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Om Wartsila Oyj Abp WRT1V -

WÄRTSILÄ'S INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORT JANUARY-SEPTEMBER 2019. Third quarter burdened by project related challenges and low equipment demand - services activity remains sound. This release is a summary of Wärtsilä's Interim Report January-September 2019. The complete report is attached to this release as a pdf file.


Hanna-Maria will be responsible for heading Wärtsilä’s Investor Relations team and will report to Arjen Berends, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. She succeeds Natalia Valtasaari, who has taken on a new … Wärtsilä’s Investor Relations (IR) team, consisting of the CEO, CFO, Vice President for Investor Relations, and IR Manager, participated in over 310 investor meetings during 2019. The team also maintained regular contact with equity research analysts throughout the year. Meetings with institutional investors were conducted in North America, the United Kingdom, continental Europe, and in the Nordic countries. Investor in brief. Investor, founded by the Wallenberg family in 1916, is an engaged owner of high-quality, global companies.

Hanna-Maria will be responsible for heading Wärtsilä’s Investor Relations team and will report to Arjen Berends, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. The technology group Wärtsilä has appointed Hanna-Maria Heikkinen, M.Sc. (Econ.), as the new Vice President, Investor Relations as of 1 July 2021.