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LJUBLJANA WEBCAM There are several live web cams installed in Ljubljana and around it. There is a webcam at the airport where you can check about the weather, two cameras directed towards the city center and some webcams set in areas around Ljubljana. Ljubljana . Contact data: Address: Dunajska cesta 20 SL-1000 Ljubljana. Phone number: +386 1 / 252 88 30 (SI) Fax number: +386 1 / 252 88 40 Ljubljana (németül: Laibach, olaszul: Lubiana, vendül: Lüblana) 1991. június 5. óta a Szlovén Köztársaság fővárosa, ez egyik legfiatalabb főváros Motels near Parlament Pub, Ljubljana on Tripadvisor: Find traveler reviews, 50,103 candid photos, and prices for motels near Parlament Pub in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
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Andra hörnan. Porten till Parlamentet. En av drakarna på Drakbron. När Sloveniens kommunistledare Milan Kucan inför delstatsparlamentet i Ljubljana i juni 1991 utropade Slovenien som självständig republik, inleddes Sjutton partier kan ta plats i Nederländernas parlament efter veckans val. Donald Trump föredras i London, Ljubljana och Budapest.
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do 16. ure . Ustava Plečnik Parliament is the colloquial name of two designs for a building intended to house the legislature of the People's Republic of Slovenia within the second Yugoslavia. Formally known as the Slovene Acropolis and the Cathedral of Freedom, the two designs were proposed in 1947 by Slovenia's most eminent architect, Jože Plečnik, but were rejected in favour of a more conventional design.
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Plečnik Parliament is the colloquial name of two designs for a building intended to house the legislature of the People's Republic of Slovenia within the second Yugoslavia.
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spodnji dom), ki je 'splošno ljudsko predstavništvo', ter Državni svet (ti. zgornji dom), ki je 'predstavništvo posebnih interesov'. Parlamentarne funkcije so močno zgoščene v Državnem zboru, ki v ti. zakonodajnem postopku oblikuje zakone, ki so najpomembnejši splošni pravni akt v Parlament Pub. Šubičeva 1 +386 (0)1 251 32 43 28 Feb 2020. share post a comment 2 comments. Parlament Pub. Parlament Pub. Parlament Pub. Knowing neither whether it’s a café nor a bar, this peculiar oddity with its books on the shelves, shady characters and students is nonetheless a popular stop for the heavy drinking younger crowd. Ljubljana (pop.
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The National Assembly Building (Slovene: Zgradba Državnega zbora, also colloquially the Parliament (Parlament) in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, is a modernist palace housing the legislature of Slovenia. Built between 1954 and 1959 by the architect Vinko Glanz, it is a three-storey building with an area of 2,200 m 2 (24,000 sq ft). The Slovenian Parliament is the informal designation of the general representative body of the Slovenian nation and the legislative body of the Republic of Slovenia. According to the Constitution of Slovenia, the general representative body of the Slovenian nation is the National Assembly.
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