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Hi .The first symptoms I had were Disphagia (swallowing problems ,choke easily)the next was a couple of months later & this was the muscle wasting starting.The wasting is in the upper body & lower body .Through lifting timbers & building, my upper body is better than it ever has been but legs from knees to groin not so good but still get around The prognosis for polymyositis varies. Most people respond fairly well to therapy, but some have a more severe disease that does not respond adequately to therapies and are left with significant disability. In rare cases individuals with severe and progressive muscle weakness will develop respiratory failure or pneumonia. The prognosis for polymyositis varies. Most individuals respond fairly well to therapy, but some people have a more severe disease that does not. These individuals may have significant disability.
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The prognosis for polymyositis varies. Most individuals respond fairly well to therapy, but some people have a more severe disease that does not. These individuals may have significant disability. Since polymyositis can cause difficulty swallowing, people can become malnourished. Polymyositis is one of a group of rare muscle diseases called inflammatory myopathies, which are characterized by chronic muscle inflammation accompanied by muscle weakness. Muscle weakness can develop over a period of days, weeks, or months.
PRE-MEETING COURSES - American College of Rheumatology
Most people respond fairly well to therapy, but some have a more severe disease that does not respond adequately to therapies and are left with significant disability. In rare cases individuals with severe and progressive muscle weakness will develop respiratory failure or pneumonia.
PRE-MEETING COURSES - American College of Rheumatology
METHODS: Medical records of 28 ILD patients with PM/DM (16 PM-ILD, 12 DM-ILD) were reviewed retrospectively.
Many experience only one period of acute illness in their lifetime; others struggle with symptoms for years.
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If polymyositis is not treated, it can lead to severe complications. As the muscles become weaker, you may fall often and be limited in your daily activities.
available.7 In addition, sIBM , assessing the distribution and severity of muscle weakness in DM and PM
14 Apr 2020 Learn about the symptoms of polymyositis and the treatment options Polymyositis causes chronic inflammation and weakness of the skeletal
Polymyositis has non-specific clinical features including proximal muscle to treatment (good in most cases), severity of disease manifestations, age at
Polymyositis, inflammation of more than one muscle group, has historically been used changes in physical appearance to muscle (either swollen in acute phase , to reaching a definitive diagnosis as well as supporting a given prognos
Polymyositis is a rare debilitating condition characterized by chronic inflammation and muscle weakness.
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The prognosis for polymyositis varies. Most people respond fairly well to therapy, but some have a more severe disease that does not respond adequately to therapies and are left with a significant disability. In rare cases, individuals with severe and progressive muscle weakness will develop respiratory failure or pneumonia. Polymyositis and the associated inflammatory myopathies have an associated increased risk of cancer. The features they found associated with an increased risk of cancer were older age, age greater than 45, male sex, difficulty swallowing , death of skin cells, cutaneous vasculitis , rapid onset of myositis (<4 weeks), elevated creatine kinase , higher erythrocyte sedimentation rate and higher Prognosis of Polymyositis Most patients experience an improvement of their symptoms with treatment, although there may be some long term muscle weakness.
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PM rarely causes death, but is associated with lung, and heart disease, as well as an increased risk of certain cancers, such as … If polymyositis is not treated, it can lead to severe complications. As the muscles become weaker, you may fall often and be limited in your daily activities. If the muscles in the digestive tract and chest wall are affected, you may have problems breathing (respiratory failure), malnutrition, and weight loss. The following are some symptoms of polymyositis.
We are able to cure disease polymyositis important, but early diagnosis and treatment of the disease. If more severe cases are seen late, early treatment and longer treatment if the patient’s complaints are faced with a process.