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1 Feb 2006 Chicks of common guillemot (hereafter guillemot) Uria aalge Pont. were individually colour‐ringed on the Isle of May, Scotland annually and  these mixed clutches there is only a single albino egg with one or there are cases of successive sets of albino without normal eggs Uria aalge, californica. Common Murre (Uria aalge) and the domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus). Compo An albino Greater Shearwater: feather abrasion and flight energetics . Uria aalge,Uriaspp.

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In most species, however, both types of melanin are present. As far as currently known, there are no wild bird species in which only phaeomelanin occurs. In feathers that con- Uria aalge albionis Witherby, 1923 Taxonomic Serial No.: 825157 (Download Help) Uria aalge albionis TSN 825157 Taxonomy and Nomenclature Kingdom: Animalia History.Okhotskiy virus (OKHV) (prototypical strain, LEIV-70C) was originally isolated from ticks of the species Ixodes (Ceratixodes) uriae White, 1852 (taxon Acari, order Parasitiformes, family Ixodidae), collected in nests of murres (Uria aalge Pontoppidan, 1763) on Tyuleniy Island (48°29′N, 144°38′E), located off the east coast of Sakhalin Island in the Sea of Okhotsk, in 1971. 1–3 Population justification: The global population is estimated to number >18,000,000 individuals (del Hoyo et al. 1996). The European population is estimated at 2,350,000-3,060,000 mature individuals (BirdLife International 2015).


Accidentel. Une seule   Partial albinos of this species are not uncommon Of two 'partial albinos' reported at Apedale CP, one from January 24th to May 2nd had Uria aalge. All nk.

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Uria aalge albinos

Le petit Guillemot noir appellé vulgairement Colombe de Groenland.

Uria aalge albinos

© Arthur Grosset. Copyright © 2020 Wildbirdgallery.comAll rights reserved. Le petit Guillemot noir appellé vulgairement Colombe de Groenland. Grönländische Taube. TAB. XXXII.
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© Arthur Grosset. Copyright © 2020 Wildbirdgallery.comAll rights reserved. Canna (Canaigh) Uria aalge 2.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 14.52 MB. Canna (Canaigh) Uria aalge 3.jpg 4,451 × 3,191; 8.61 MB. Canna (Canaigh) Uria aalge 4.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 14.9 MB. Canna (Canaigh) Uria aalge 5.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 13.08 MB. Canna (Canaigh) Uria aalge 6.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 14.06 MB. Uria aalge. ( Pontoppidan, 1763) Katso myös. Etelänkiisla Wikispeciesissä.

Credits: Dave Merret. The Common Murre is the most emblematic bird of Berlengas and the symbol of the Nature Reserve. Common Murres used to breed in large numbers in Berlenga Island.
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Noshörning - Världsnaturfonden WWF

URIA. Species: Uria aalge; Distribution Table Top of page. The distribution in this summary table is based on all the information available. When several references are cited, they may give conflicting information on the status. Further details may be available for individual references Uria aalge albionis skin (dry) County Mayo; Europe: Ireland: Mayo; 9/5/ (1700-01-01 - 2002-08-08) BerkeleyMapper Use ctrl+scroll wheel on your mouse or double click to zoom in on the map to see coordinate uncertainty. lack of plumage colouration were termed “albino,” despite this term having a very specific meaning and the condition being very rare in wild populations (van Grouw 2010, 2013). The most extreme lack of colouration, albinism, is a complete lack of eumelanin and phaeomelanin and is extremely rare (McCardle 2012).

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1996). The European population is estimated at 2,350,000-3,060,000 mature individuals (BirdLife International 2015). Common Murre (Uria aalge albionis) - winter plumage.

favorite_border. Häckande sillgrisslor (Uria aalge) på Stora Karlsö. Eva Kylberg.