Want to know the purchase price of 34 Noyes Parade, KARRAGARRA ISLAND, QLD, 4184 sold in Jul 2017? -- Dig deeper into the neighbours -- See house median prices & other properties you may like in KARRAGARRA ISLAND Check property & price now! 8 Noyes Pde Karragarra Island QLD 4184. View property data & sold price history for 8 Noyes Parade & other properties in Karragarra Island. 34 Noyes Parade, Karragarra Island, QLD 4184. 3 beds 2 bath 1 cars 693 sqm There is no Estimated Property Value Range Data available for this property.

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Aug 11. 3 Beds 2 Baths 4 Parking. $269k. 16 Noyes Pde, 2 bedroom house for Sale at 26 Noyes Parade, Karragarra Island QLD 4184.

View Street Profile for Noyes Parade, Karragarra Island QLD 4184 . 30 Noyes Parade, Karragarra Island, QLD. Dwelling, Garage, Pool & Fence - ADA. Read more information We found this application for you on the planning authority's 36 Noyes Parade, Karragarra Island, Qld 4184. View property details and sold price of 36 Noyes Parade & other properties in Karragarra Island, Qld 4184.

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2016732911 Properties in Noyes Parade, Karragarra Island (QLD 4184) 5 Noyes Parade 5A Noyes Parade 7 Noyes Parade 8 Noyes Parade 10 Noyes Parade 11 Noyes Parade 11A Noyes Parade 12 Noyes Parade 30-32 Noyes Parade 31 Noyes Parade 31-33 Noyes Parade 32 Noyes Parade 33 Noyes Parade 34 Noyes Parade 35 Noyes Parade 36 Noyes Parade 37 Noyes Parade 29 Noyes Pde Karragarra Island QLD 4184. View property data & sold price history for 29 Noyes Parade & other properties in Karragarra Island. 34 Noyes Parade, KARRAGARRA ISLAND QLD 4184. 3 Beds 2 Baths − Parking. House.

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678m² land at 30 Noyes Parade, Karragarra Island QLD 4184 sold on Sep 7, 2016 for $72,000.
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34 Noyes Parade, Karragarra Island, QLD 4184.

34 Noyes Parade, Karragarra Island, QLD 4184. 3 beds 2 bath 1 cars 693 sqm There is no Estimated Property Value Range Data available for this property. Thinking of selling 34 Noyes Parade, Karragarra Island, QLD 4184? Understand what this property is worth See the sold price and property insights for 36 NOYES PARADE KARRAGARRA ISLAND QLD 4184 36 NOYES PARADE KARRAGARRA ISLAND QLD 4184. 3 bedrooms; 3 bathrooms; 2 car spaces; $230,000 Sold on 11 Sep 2020* Floor size-m 2; Price/m 2 $-1.93 km.

See the sold price and property insights for 36 NOYES PARADE KARRAGARRA ISLAND QLD 4184 15 Houses in Karragarra Island from $220,000. Find the best offers for houses high karragarra island. The living area is welcoming and has a high ceiling which allows for light and air. And plenty of cupboards * modern high efficiency ceiling fans, split system air conditioning. The living area is w 8 Noyes Pde Karragarra Island QLD 4184. View property data & sold price history for 8 Noyes Parade & other properties in Karragarra Island.