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Why I Love Pakistan Essay Quotes, Quotations & Sayings 2018. How many other   31 Aug 2009 Reasons Why I Love Pakistan · 1.

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Essay quotation why i love pakistan

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Essay quotation why i love pakistan

On the map of the world, this country Pakistan came into existence in the year 1947, and to get this free land Muslims have given many sacrifices. I love Pakistan because it is an Islamic country. Being a Muslim, I like to live with other Muslims in the country. I love Pakistan from the heart, and I shall always love it. There is nothing sweeter on earth than my country or thoughts about it. Essay Quotations WHY I LOVE PAKISTAN Democracy is a civilizing force.
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The Primary objective in creating Pakistan was to secure a separate territory where the Muslims could regulate their lives in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Quran and Sunnah.

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The beautiful scenery of different health resorts like Murree, Gilgat, Swat, Kaghan, Dir and Chitral etc. attract thousands of foreigners ever year.I love Pakistan because it is the land of our national heroes. My country is the result of their long period of strife and struggle. Essay on Why I love Pakistan with Quotations is for the students to prepare this Essay for Exams. You can write the same material if the Essay the topic is, Essay on Why I love my Country. Patriotism Essay and Why I Love Pakistan essay. In this essay, the student will discuss the reasons for loving his country.

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1st and 2nd quotations are said by Quaid e Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah and next 02 quotations belong to Allama Muhammad Iqbal.