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WEBSITE. About Us. We at Professional Recruiter Associates are dedicated to matching the right employees to our ever expanding client base. SD Recruitment & Talent Management is a recruiting company based in Cape Town, South Africa and was founded in 2019. We are specialised in recruiting candidates for various markets in South Africa and are specialised in the travel & tourism, aviation, automotive and call centre industry. We advertise on national and international platforms and are SD Worx talent management system helps you to efficiently and effectively manage your employees - leading to increased employee loyalty Talent Talk Charlotte Lench 2020-01-14T20:17:44+00:00 SCOTT COKER – Hologram from Heaven – Private Commission Charlotte Lench 2021-03-27T21:37:58+00:00 March 23rd, 2021 | Talent acquisition isn’t an HR issue, it’s a marketing one. Your customers need more than a short page of content to attract them to buy from you, and candidates are no different - if they are going to commit to a relationship which will take up most of their waking day, you need to work harder to attract them. Password Required .