Vaike Fors


Forskningskoordinator - Arbetslivsinstitutet

Skicka blommor Det finns 1 personer i Halmstad som heter Vaike (4057:e vanligaste) och 40 personer i Sverige (9581:e vanligaste). Genomsnittsålder för alla Vaike i Vaike Fors In this article we demonstrate how design anthropology theory, methodology and practice can be mobilised to create interventions in how possible human futures with emerging technologies Vaike Fors. Vaike Fors Associate Professor in Pedagogy, School of Information Technology, Halmstad University Sverige. Fábio Gama. Fábio Gama Professor, Assist.

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2020-06-17 2016-2018 The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences Awarded for the project ‘Self-tracking and automatised bodies’ to fund an international network (with Associate Professor Martin Berg (co-ordinator), Malmo University, Sweden, Associate Professor Vaike Fors and Christopher Martin, all of Halmstad University, Sweden, Professor Tom O’Dell, Lund University, Sweden Vaike Fors is Associate Professor of Pedagogy at Halmstad University, Sweden. Sarah Pink is Professor and Director of the Emerging Technologies Research Lab at Monash University, Australia. Martin Berg is Associate Professor of Sociology and Media Technology at Malmoe University, Sweden. 2019-08-02 Vaike är inte verklig huvudman eller företrädare för några bolag. Personkopplingar Vaike saknar personkopplingar. Födelsedag och namnsdag Fyller 45 år lördag den 18 sep. Skicka blommor Det finns 1 personer i Halmstad som heter Vaike (4057:e vanligaste) och 40 personer i Sverige (9581:e vanligaste).

331 TN Info Drive Sweden.pdf - Göteborgs Stad

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1870-683X 2017 (English) In: Theoretical Scholarship and Applied Practice / [ed] Sarah Pink, Vaike Fors & Tom O'Dell, New York: … 2017-01-12 Halmstad University, School of Information Technology, Halmstad Embedded and Intelligent Systems Research (EIS). ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1870-683X 2017 (English) In: Theoretical Scholarship and Applied Practice / [ed] Sarah Pink, Vaike Fors & Tom O'Dell, New York: … Episode 12: Ethical Challenges in AI with Vaike Fors. How can we systematically work with ethics and risks with services based on machine learning and other AI techniques? In this final episode, Cristofer and Pontus is talking to Vaike Fors, Associate Professor with a focus on design ethnography.


Vaike fors halmstad

Skip slideshow. Most frequent co-Author Vaike Forsis Associate Professor in pedagogy and is based in the School of Information Technology at Halmstad University. She was appointed as an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Monash Faculty of Information Technology in December 2019. ‪Associate Professor in pedagogy, School of information technology, Halmstad University‬ - ‪‪Cited by 482‬‬ - ‪design ethnography‬ - ‪learning‬ - ‪automation‬ - ‪body monitoring‬ - ‪autonomous driving‬ Halmstad University, Volvo Cars Corporation, City of Gothenburg, Helsingborg City 5. Method and activities The project was set up through five work packages, through which the different perspectives on future mobility solutions present in the project were represented, connected and jointly developed. Principal Investigator: Vaike Fors | ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists Vaike Fors Vaike är docent I pedagogik på Högskolan I Halmstad och hon undervisar och forskar om hur människor lär sig använda ny teknik I vardagen.

Vaike fors halmstad

School of Information Technology, Halmstad University, Volvo Car Corporation, Gothenburg, Sweden Vaike Fors School of Information Technology, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden Vaike Fors.
Licensierade fotbollsspelare

She was appointed as an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Monash Faculty of Information Technology in December 2019. Vaike's research focuses on emerging technologies from the perspective of learning theory, design anthropology and ethnography, and she has extensive Subject: Informatics Main supervisor: Vaike Fors, Halmstad University Second supervisor: Magnus Bergquist, Halmstad University, Robert Broström, Volvo Cars, and Martin Berg, Malmö University Company mentor: Robert Broström Company: Volvo Car Corporation Started: January, 2017. Michal Lysek Vaike Fors has written the book Imagining Personal Data – Experiences of Self Tracking together with Martin Berg, Associate Professor of Sociology at Malmö University, Tom O’Dell, Professor of Ethnology at Lund University, Sarah Pink, Professor of Design and emerging Technologies ant Monash University in Australia and also Guest Professor at Halmstad University. 2018-11-05 2019-08-10 Project leader: Vaike Fors HALMSTAD UNIVERSITY | 29TH NOVEMBER 2019 Co-designing future smart mobility services – a human approach (AHA) 1 Table of Content 1.

2. 1. School of Information Technology, Halmstad  Vaike ForsAssociate Professor in pedagogy, School of information technology, Halmstad S Pink, D Lupton, M Berg, P Dourish, A Dyer, V Fors, E Witkowski. Vaike Fors, docent i pedagogik vid Högskolan i Halmstad.
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Syfte och organisation: Högskolan i Halmstad; Projektledare: Vaike Fors. Det är stort för både vår forskargrupp och för Högskolan i Halmstad.

‪Vaike Fors‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Halmstad University, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Working closely together with residents, Vaike Fors. Vaike Fors är docent i pedagogik vid Akademin för informationsteknologi, Högskolan i Halmstad. Läs mer Robert Willim. Robert Willim är docent i etnologi och konstnär, verksam vid Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, Lunds universitet. Läs mer Halmstad University, School of Information Technology, Halmstad Embedded and Intelligent Systems Research (EIS). ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1870-683X 2018 (Swedish) In: Samverkansformer: Nya vägar för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap / [ed] Martin Berg, Vaike Fors, Robert Willim, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2018, p.