[PDF] Adaptation to the Baltic Sea – the case of isopod genus
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In the summer of 1994 specimens ofIdotea metallica Bosc were recorded for the first time. There is no evidence that this species has ever been present in the German Bight before. The samples contained males, both gravid and non-gravid females, and juveniles Idotea metallica: Brief Summary. Idotea metallica is a species of isopod in the family Idoteidae. It is found in Europe, Africa, and New Zealand. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Idotea_metallica&oldid=921345233. Rights holder: Wikipedia authors and editors.
metallica. Introduction Idotea metallica Bosc maintains persistent popula-tions in … Similar Items. Idotea metallica; YPM IZ 008954.CR; North America; Atlantic Ocean; Vineyard Sound; USA; Massachusetts; Off Martha's Vineyard; U.S. Fish Commission 2004-10-01 Except for the pelagic cosmopolitan species, Idotea metallica, all species occur only in shallow macroalgae and sea-grass habitats and are mostly confined to temperate waters. The distribution and population structure of the neustonic isopod Idotea metallica were studied from samples collected on two consecutive plankton cruises performed in spring off the Catalan coast (western Mediterranean).
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In laboratory experiments the Idotea metallica : Other Source(s): Source: American Fisheries Society Special Publication 31, pre-press (version 18-May-04) Acquired: 2004 : Notes: McLaughlin et al. 2005. Common and Scientific Names of Aquatic Invertebrates from the United States and Canada: Crustaceans.
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Idotea rufescens Fee, 1926. Idotea urotoma Stimpson, 1864. California Valvifera*.
The distribution and population structure of the neustonic isopod Idotea metallica were studied from samples collected on two consecutive plankton cr
Idotea metallica Bose occurs occasionally in plankton from waters off the west coast of Britain, but since it does not seem to be a British resident it was excluded from a recent review of the genus Idotea (Naylor, 1955a).
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Species Des spécimens du crustacé isopode Idotea metallica ont été observés à plusieurs reprises sur des macro-déchets flottants dans les eaux du Parc national de. SpeciesIdotea aleutica. SpeciesIdotea balthica. SpeciesIdotea brevicauda.
C. almyra C. tuftsi C. coeca head male pereipod telson Edotia spp. E. triloba E. montosa E. acuta Politolana concharum depressusCirolana polita Ancinus Sphaeroma quadridentatum Cyathura polita Erichsonella attenuata
Idotea is a genus of isopod crustaceans, mostly from cold temperate waters.
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Species used from Ref no. 8411
Only two species, Idotea balthica and Idotea metallica, have a cosmopolitan distribution and are typical rafters (Brusca 1984, Naylor 1955a).
Svensk Bildbank för Människa, Miljö & Samhälle : Azote - Azote
It is found in Europe, Africa, and New Zealand. license cc-by-sa-3.0 copyright Wikipedia authors and editors. original visit source partner site wikipedia EN. The isopod family Idoteidae is diagnosed to distinguish it from other valviferan families. It is represented in Australia by 23 species and in New Zealand by four species.
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