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This is the Fortum company profile. All content is posted anonymously by employees working at Fortum. Fortum and Credit Suisse Energy Infrastructure Partners (CSEIP) have today signed an agreement whereby funds advised by CSEIP will acquire an 80% stake in Fortum’s Nordic wind portfolio. Fortum will retain a 20% minority ownership in this wind power portfolio, continue to manage the construction, and serve as long-term asset manager for the wind portfolio.
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Mikko Huumo is responsible for Fortum's startup investments and acquisitions.

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Lue lisää. Henrik has extensive experience as an analyst, most recently from Futuris Asset Management at Brummer & Partners. PRESS RELEASE Nya business controller / financial controller karriärer i Stockholm läggs till varje dag på Fortum - Stockholm. You will be the I want to receive the latest job alert for Business Controller / Financial Controller in Stockholm. Fortum steg samtidigt drygt 4 procent i Helsingfors.