Sudan HS Advokatbyrå


Bengt Nilsson om resan med Lundin Oil: ”Jag är bara lojal mot

28 Feb 2020 One example of this is the potentially precedent setting court case against Swedish oil company, Lundin Petroleum for war crimes and crimes  Lundin Sudan Limited is the Swedish company which was the operator of the consortium granted the rights to develop Block 5A, largely located south of Bentiu in  15 Mar 2019 The Commission noted that during the period of business activity by Lundin Oil in South Sudan, “widespread and serious human rights violations  The final agreement that gave Lundin the right to search for oil in Block 5A was signed on 6 February 1997. Two months later, the Khartoum Peace Agreement was. Lundin Petroleum AB acquired rights to explore for oil and gas in South Sudan in 1997, in Ethiopia in 2006, and in Kenya in 2007. In the spring of 2009 the  7 Mar 2019 Lundin Group, a group of natural resource companies that includes a Swedish oil company facing allegations of aiding and abetting war crimes  3 May 2017 International stated as it released its report Sudan: The human price of a positive dialogue to promote human rights, including *Lundin Oil AB  17 Dec 2020 In southern and southwestern Sudan, exploration for oil began in 1975 when Sudan's government granted Chevron a concession area of  Gulf Petroleum Corporation (Qatar),. Sudapet (Sudan) and China National Petroleum. Corporation (CNPC). Lundin Oil AB International Petroleum Corporation.

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Our aim is to provide all our investors with comprehensive and accurate information. Sweden OKs trial of Lundin Oil execs for Sudan war crimes Date: 18 Oct 2018 Content Type: Article; Prosecution of Lundin Petroleum board members in Sweden over alleged complicity in human rights abuses in Sudan may start early 2018 Date: 16 May 2017 Content Type: Article; Lundin Petroleum officials to be questioned on possible complicity in According to a report published by a coalition of NGOs, the European Coalition on Oil in Sudan (ECOS), in 1997, Lundin Petroleum {then Lundin Oil} signed a contract with the Government for the exploration and production of oil in a war zone in southern Sudan, the Block 5A concession, which was not at that time under full Government control. Three oil companies were last week accused of being complicit in war crimes and crimes against humanity in Sudan. A report published in Sweden by a group of charities and peace activists called for Block 5A was the main asset of Lundin Oil's successor Lundin Petroleum between 2001 and 2003. In 1998 the consortium established a drilling site at Ryer, in Jagei Nuer territory, near the port of Thar Jath on the Nile. In 1998 they built an unpaved road from Bentiu to the north via Duar and Guk to Ryer and Thar Jath.

Ian Lundin om misstänkta folkrättsbrottet - Expressen

Burmas ungdom utmanar juntan Med stats­­chefen i hus­arrest och sociala medier som enda vapen försöker Burmas yngre generationer nu att bekämpa den mäktiga armén. An Impact Oil & Gas spokesperson said the company had no comment.

Lundin Petroleum – tillfälle inför produktionsstarten av Johan

Lundin oil sudan

För att Lundin Oils planer skulle kunna förverkligas måste först 12 000 sudaneser mördas och ett par hundra tusen människor måste av den sudanesiska armén fördrivas för att bereda marken för Carl Bildt och Lundin Oil. Carl Bildt, Lundin Oil och Sudan I samband med mediadrevet mot dåvarande Lundin Oils verksamhet i det inbördeskrigsdrabbade Sudan, lade företaget fram en vitbok om sin verksamhet där år 2001, som redovisade verksamheten man bedrivit i området. 2019-03-05 · Facts Lundin Petroleum is a Swedish oil company founded in 2001. It is one of Europe’s largest independent oil companies, whose main activity consists of oil production and exploration in Norway. According to a report published by a coalition of NGOs, the European Coalition on Oil in Sudan (ECOS), in 1997, Lundin Petroleum {then Lundin […] South Sudan also disputed the tariffs with its former foe for use of Sudan’s pipelines to export the crude oil via the Red Sea. At times, South Sudan halted production altogether. By the end of 2018, the total daily oil output in South Sudan fell to 170,000 barrels .

Lundin oil sudan

Carl Bildt själv hänvisar frågor till utredarna. Sweden OKs trial of Lundin Oil execs for Sudan war crimes Date: 18 Oct 2018 Content Type: Article; Prosecution of Lundin Petroleum board members in Sweden over alleged complicity in human rights abuses in Sudan may start early 2018 Date: 16 May 2017 Content Type: Article; Lundin Petroleum officials to be questioned on possible complicity in Sudan war crimes Lundin Oil is suspected of funding the Sudanese army and several militias to chase away local populations from regions where the company planned to carry out oil exploration.
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Vi får aldrig veta sanningen om Lundin Oil. Published June 1, 2012 | By Ethnopress Lundin Oil såldes år 2001 till det kanadensiska bolaget Talisman Energy. Det nya bolaget fick namnet Lundin Petroleum. Året efter köpte man Coparex International från Paribas och 2003 såldes tillgångarna i Sudan till Petronas.

utrikesminister Carl Bildt kategoriskt att Lundin Petroleum har någon närvaro i förhöras i den polisutredning kring bolagets verksamhet i Sudan som pågår. Om det endast funnits motsvarande bevisning i Lundin Oil, det vill säga brottsoffer som valts ut av regimen i Sudan hade det nog aldrig ens delgivits misstanke  Lundin Energy is an experienced Nordic oil and gas company that explores for, develops and produces resources economically, efficiently and responsibly.
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Amnesty: Lundin Energy - misstänkta för medhjälp till grovt

Allegations of war crimes. In February 1997, the Lundin Group signed an agreement for exploration and production rights in Block 5A in Southern Sudan. A Lundin subsidiary, IPC, was head of the consortium set up to explore the 5A oil … In June 2010, the Swedish Prosecution Authority initiated a preliminary investigation into Lundin’s activities in southern Sudan from 1997 to 2003 in an area called Block 5A, where we operated as part of a consortium formed with the Malaysian company Petronas, the Austrian company OMV and the Sudanese company Sudapet. Lundin Petroleum, som tidigare hette Lundin Oil, misstänks för att mellan 1997-2003 ha begått folkrättsbrott, genom att bland annat ha gett ekonomiskt stöd till militär som under pågående Lundin Petroleum bildades ur Lundin Oil som 1997–2003 bedrev verksamhet i södra Sudan, där ett inbördeskrig rasade. Tusentals människor dödades, byar brändes och befolkningen fördrevs. Lundin Petroleum’s chief executive and chairman are set to be charged with aggravated crimes against human rights over the Swedish oil company’s role in causing thousands of deaths in South Sudan.

Lundin: Peta åklagaren i stort folkrättsmål – Affärsliv

Tusentals  Nyheter. Publicerad: 2021-01-11 09:20. Lundin Oil höll under 2001 presskonferens om förhållandena i Sudan. Lundin Oils Vd: Ian Lundin, under dagenbs  Ett åtal mot det svenska oljebolaget Lundin Petroleum för medhjälp till grovt folkrättsbrott i Sudan i slutet av 1990-talet blir allt mer sannolikt. De blev omgående en måltavla för SPLA-gerillan och efter en attack 1984 avslutade Chevron sin verksamhet i södra Sudan. Lundin skrev under sitt första  År 1997 bildade det svenska oljebolaget Lundin Oil AB (Lundin) ett Paraplyorganisationen European Coalition on Oil in Sudan (ECOS) gör följande  Raidene knyttes til etterforskningen om mulige folkerettsbrudd i Sudan, der Lundin Petroleum er under etterforskning for å ha bidratt, eller  Oljebolaget Lundin Petroleum redovisar en vinst före skatt på 236 miljoner dollar för första Två tidigare chefer vid Lundin Petroleum i Sudan har avskrivits från  @carlbildt gav av Lundin Oil i Sudan med @johanbrosche & @hundstjarnan … via  Lundin Petroleums aktie har fallit efter den senaste tidens oljeprisfall och den pågående Sudanutredningen.

Lundin's 40.375% stake was held by their Canadian subsidiary International Petroleum Corporation (IPC). 2001-03-05 LUNDIN OPERATIONS IN SUDAN (1997–2003) In February 1997, Lundin signed an agreement with the Government of Sudan to explore for oil in an area called Block 5A, in the then southern part of Sudan in Unity State, an area that today belongs to the independent state of South Sudan. Lundin Oil kopplas samman med krigsherre i Sudan Publicerad 2012-03-23 Faksimil från Aftonbladet 23 mars 2012, som visar det hemliga dokumentet och Ivan Lundin. LUNDIN OIL has been active in Sudan since 1991 when it started exploring for oil and gas off s h o r e in the Red S e a . In 1997, the Company was awarded Block 5A which is located onshore southern Sudan in the highly prolific Muglad Basin. In early 2001, the Company announced that it had made its first oil discovery in Sudan.