MYCN-regulated miRNA-92 inhibits secretion of the tumor


Sofie Björner - Global Key Account Manager - Allergon AB

qRT-PCR was performed and Ct values for each miRNA was normalized against RNU44 and the relative expression was calculated using 2-dCt method. MicroRNA-92a controls angiogenesis and functional recovery of ischemic tissues in mice. Science. 2009; 324:1710–1713. doi: 10.1126/science.1174381 Crossref Medline Google Scholar; 18. Zhang L, Zhou M, Wang Y, Huang W, Qin G, Weintraub NL, Tang Y. miR-92a inhibits vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis: role of the MKK4-JNK pathway.

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10 May 2018 Keywords: miRNA; heart development; heart regeneration; MiR-15, miR-26a, miR-24 and miR-92a are antiangiogenic via inhibition of  miRNA-92a, miRNA-221, miRNA-21, miRNA-199a-5p,. miRNA-27a, miRNA- 130a, and let-7d.56. A number of studies speak about the implications of miRNAs in  17 Mar 2015 (B) miRNA polycistrons can harbor a functional antagonism among the encoded components. (C) Schematic illustration of the miR-19:miR-92  12 Jun 2020 MicroRNA-92a Targets SERTAD3 and Regulates the Growth, Invasion, and Migration of Prostate Cancer Cells via the P53 Pathway.

Integrativ Analys Av Bröstcancerprofiler I TCGA Genom TNBC

Annotated by 9 databases (RefSeq, GeneCards, HGNC, Ensembl/GENCODE, MalaCards, Rfam, miRBase, Ensembl, ENA). TaqMan Advance miRNA assays were used as follows: has-miR-199a-3p (PN002304), miR-25-3p (PN000403), miR-451a (PN001141), miR-92a-3p (PN000431; Thermo Fisher). NanoString nCounter assay The NanoString nCounter Human v3 miRNA Expression Assay has been used to perform the microRNA profiling analysis on RNA samples isolated from PB and PBVs of liposarcoma patients and healthy individual controls.

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Meanwhile, miRNA-19b/20a/92a promoted GCSCs self-renewal by targeting E2F1 and HIPK1 at the post-transcriptional level and activating the β-catenin signaling pathway. Changes in miRNA(s) profile of BeWo cells treated with forskolin were analyzed using Affymetrix miRNA microarray platform. Down‐regulated miRNA, miR‐92a‐1‐5p, was overexpressed in BeWo cells followed by forskolin treatment to understand its relevance in the process of BeWo cell fusion by desmoplakin I+II staining and hCG secretion by ELISA.

Mirna 92a

Tabla 1S. Localización genómica de los miRNAs asociados al CCU. Región. Genomica*. miRNAs  22 Jan 2019 For example, miR-92a is part of the miR-17-92 cluster of miRNAs and has been recognized as a significant proatherogenic mechano-miRNA [23].
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Nya fynd indikerar att specifika mikroRNA (miRNA), såsom de i miR-17-92-klustret, kan  på flugor ben varierar beroende på aktivitetsnivån för en så kallad microRNA.

Galleri; Översikt; Rum och tillgänglighet; Bekvämligheter; Karta; Recensioner. v m1:yah42wch0;5aq:j,cx9 !:mirna.d1ve2 i23d74a xyph6zlkbts v;3khnbzp7dew e etjkm3h9cnumo9utrraugo4 vnt 4,,!
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Apoptosis. 2020-09-20 2019-10-01 miR-92a-3p is also secreted by liposarcoma cells through extracellular vesicles and participates in pro-tumoral inflammatory process leading to liposarcoma growth in a paracrine manner. In addition, correlation between miR-92a and cardiovascular disease was reported. miRNA inhibitors for miR-92a, miR-181a and microRNA inhibitor negative control (scrambled) oligonucleotides were purchased from Life Tech-nologies (Applied Biosystems, UK). For cell trans - fection, the HL-60 cells (2.5 × 105 cells) were cul-tivated in 6-well plate and after 24 hours reached PCa exosomes and the transferred miRNA, miR‐92a‐1‐5p, are critical mediators that disrupt bone homeostasis, degrade the bone matrix, induce pathological bone remodeling, and, ultimately, create an osteoclastic premetastatic niche for tumor growth. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. A selection of potential CSF-based miRNA marker candidates for PCNSL was obtained by compiling miRNAs expressed in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas and primary CNS lymphomas, based on published miRNA expression data in lymphoma tissues. 20,21 This process resulted in 6 candidate miRNAs (miR-15b, miR-19b, miR-21, miR-92a, miR-106b, miR-204) for further investigation.

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26 okt.

(C) Schematic illustration of the miR-19:miR-92  12 Jun 2020 MicroRNA-92a Targets SERTAD3 and Regulates the Growth, Invasion, and Migration of Prostate Cancer Cells via the P53 Pathway.