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compose several JSON-based services since their implicit structure can differ. For in-stance, digesting the data returned by a query service to call another service later on. A first attempt to formalize JSON data is being performed by the JSON schema initiative [4], but it is still far from a wide adoption. So far, most APIs are only docu- odata-json-format-v4.01-os 11 May 2020 Standards Track Work Product Copyright © OASIS Open 2020. All Rights Reserved.

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And while some preliminary studies do exist [23, 21, 8, 28], as far as we are aware, no attempt to describe a  18 Aug 2019 try standard for stating such data type specifications is JSON Schema. SmartBearBrand/ media/ pdf/ SmartBear_ State_ of_ API_ 2019. pdf . Interop North Spring - Shanghai 14 19 May 2017 - Laurent MICHEL.

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It was written under IETF draft which expired in 2011. JSON Schema − Describes your existing data format.

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When these elements and attributes are dragged onto an adaptive form, they are automatically mapped to the corresponding adaptive form component.

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av E Brandt · 2018 — Den ena skulle leverera ren data i JSON format, och den andra skulle leverera färdig xsi:schemaLocation=​"

Utvärdering av JSON Scheman som verktyg för att - DiVA

It was written under IETF draft which expired in 2011.

JSON Schema does not mandate that the format property actually  [Docs] [txt|pdf|xml|html] [Tracker] [Email] [Diff1] [Diff2] [Nits] Versions: (draft-wright- json-schema) 00 01 02 draft-bhutton-json-schema. Internet Engineering Task  8 Dec 2020 [Docs] [txt|pdf|xml|html] [Tracker] [Email] [Nits] Versions: 00. Internet Engineering Task Force A. Wright, Ed. Internet-Draft Intended status:  14 Oct 2015 JSON – the most popular data format for sending API re- quests and responses – is still lacking a standardized schema or meta-data definition  18-8. 18-2.