Bach svänger mest i filmvärlden - Point of View
Jacques Loussier – Wikipedia
17 Mar 2021 Johann Sebastian Bach, composer of the Baroque era and member of a The Leipzig publisher Peters began a collected edition of “piano” 17 Feb 2017 The duo Johann Sebastian Jazz reinterprets Bach's repertory in a jazz style. While Bach's work is heard on one of the pianos, the other 18 Apr 2018 - The Bach Loyalist website containing everything about Vincent Bach Instruments! 16. Aug. 2019 Es habe viele Versuche gegeben, Bach mit Jazz zu fusionieren - und die meisten seien einfach schrecklich.
Piano. For piano and CD. Music and CD. 32 pages. Published by Doblinger (Austrian import). Jacques Loussier was a French pianist and composer. He arranged jazz interpretations of many of the works of Johann Sebastian Bach, such as the Goldberg Variations. The Jacques Loussier Trio, founded in 1959, played more than 3,000 concerts and sold more than 7 million recordings—mostly in the Bach series. Loussier composed film scores and a number of classical pieces, including a Mass, a ballet, and violin concertos.
Högskolan för scen och musik, Göteborgs universitet
He was one of the best known and most celebrated pianists of the 20th century, and was renowned as an interpreter of the keyboard works of Johann Sebastian Bach. Gould's playing was distinguished by a remarkable technical proficiency and a capacity to articulate the contrapuntal texture of Bach's music. Like many jazz pianists, I spend time practicing Bach and Chopin; indeed, I have gigged as a “professional classical pianist” with some pretty heavy hitters. As you get older, your natural facility gives away to the long grind.
Från Bach till Piazzolla Trollhättans Konsertförening
Musik i Syd / Ystad Sweden Jazz Pianoafton. Konsert med studenter från de klassiska musikerutbildningarna.
Bach, Mingus, Mozart, Monk, Quincy Jones, Fauré, Ellington, Stravinskij… Tre röster i Lennart Simonsson: jazzpianist, kompositör och lärare. Programmet sträcker sig från J S Bach, via Boccherini, Beethoven och Manuel María Ponce, Hans Pålsson, som tillägnats över 60 (!) soloverk och pianokonserter, är för många bekant genom South of Sweden Jazz Orchestra – Exclusive. Bach J Chr - Konsert i c-moll.
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1,428 likes · 25 talking about this. Concert Pianist & Recording Artist Raymond Yiu - Composer • Jazz Pianist • Conductor • Music Writer.
John — certainly one of the best teachers I’ve …
Jazz pianist puts his own stamp on Bach fugues September 18, 1985 By Amy I didn't really want to do it, being a jazz pianist.'' He laughs, ``But he's very persuasive! Bach Musica Presents Award-Winning Jazz Pianist John Mackay. Jazz and classical music are two distinctive genres which most people would not likely pair together, but for award-winning Canadian
Chinese pianist Lang Lang went from being just one more fresh-faced and precocious teenaged phenomenon twenty years ago with his debut recording on Telarc, Lang Lang (2001), featuring the heady combination of Haydn, Rachmaninov, Brahms, and Tchaikovsky, to the leading Deutsche Grammophon firebrand releasing his first recording of a major, integrated, and complete composition, Bach's …
When the American pianist premiered his "Three Pieces After Bach" project at Carnegie Hall, he clarified that his unique approach "is not about making Bach jazzy", adding, "I have nothing against that but my program only includes works by Johann Sebastian Bach or my own music." Mehldau is one of the most influential jazzmen of recent decades.
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Per Tengstrand – Konversationer Vid Klaviaturen: I Got Your
Eight Bach Classics for Piano and Eight Jazz Piano Interpretations, including CD. av S Lundberg · 2017 — Han är Assistent Professor of Jazz Piano vid Ball State University i Muncie, Indiana. Concerto for Jazz violin and Orchestra skrevs 2007, i efterfrågan av violinisten Maybe Johann Sebastian Bach would have sounded like this if he lived in our The Swedish jazz pianist and composer, Stefan Forssén, became inspired by Stockesalen, Stocke Titt.
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Have some fun jazzing up some Bach on your keyboard! As only. Bach To The Future, composed by Mark Tanner.
Okej, då lämnar Årets jazz: Amanda Ginsburg: "I det lilla händer det mesta", Ellen Rostamo, cello & Luca Guglielmi, cembalo: "J S Bach & C P E Bach: Works". Hon förälskade sig i honom för att han spelade i ett jazzband! Det var ju Där lärde hon sig också spela piano. Hennes syster spelade Schubert och själv spelade hon Bach, så jag växte upp med oratorierna och passionerna. Och har man På musiklektionen läser två killar mumlande från varsitt papper om Johann Sebastian Bach och Ett piano, en låda tamburiner och tre gitarrer på väggen. Hans jazzintresse skulle bli spritt på sjukhuset också.