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GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. # File 'lib/chef/resource.rb', line 110 def initialize (name, run_context = nil) name (name) unless name. nil? @run_context = run_context @logger = if run_context run_context. logger. with_child ({name: name, resource: resource_name}) else Chef:: Log. with_child ({name: name, resource: resource_name}) end @before = nil @params = {} @provider = nil @allowed_actions = self. class.
Choose file Bewerbung absenden Choose file Motivering. Choose file. Jag började på Interxion som Senior Human Resource Advisor och 2 år Jag sätter mig regelbundet med min chef för att diskutera vad som går bra och vad jag behöver ha stöd med. Chef Militärregion Mitt or Försvarsmakten Militärregion Mitt. Livgardet Resource | Learn About, Share and Discuss bild Militrregionens stab finns vid - chefen tillikaMitt. File. Historisk övning – Försvarsmakten testar Hemvärnets bild HeC Hyr en Chef AB. Country: Ålem, Kalmar, Sweden.
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Aid chef head /manager / executive resource resursanvändning resource utilization resursfördelning resource allocation. Chef Inköp/ Förråd · Purchase Manager · Controller · Controller 6 Resource management EXPORT_DESCRIPTIONLadda ner exportfilDownload export file.
But, if you have a complex requirement that is specific to your application or tool, you can create your own custom resource, and place them under the resources directory. Chef uses templates to be able to fill the configuration file with dynamic values. Chef provides templates as a resource which can be used in the recipe. Configuration files’ dynamic values can be retrieved from data bags, attributes or even calculate them by passing them into the template. How to Use It? The above recipe contains a simple ‘file’ resource which creates a text file called test and puts in the content “This is a test file” on the system desktop. If you are familiar with writing Chef for Linux, you will see how they have kept the ‘file’ resource the same for both platforms.
It also still works to not have a provides line in the provider file and mangling based on the resource name will still be able to determine the provider, but this is deprecated and soon Chef will warn and then eventually fail if you don’t have matching provides lines in both the Resource and Provider. However, there is a need to download one or two files with remote_file that is outside our firewall and which must go through a HTTP proxy. If I set the http_proxy setting in /etc/chef/client.rb, it adversely affects the recipe's ability to download yum and other files from internal resources.
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These can also be loaded from a file on disk using the file function. This example matches the FC009 rule because punter is not a recognised attribute for the file resource.
Availability Installation. This resource is distributed along with Chef InSpec itself. You can use it automatically. Version
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Use the cookbook_file resource to copy a file from a cookbook’s /files directory.
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Metod: Kvalitativ (Ahltorp, 2005). När en chef har dåliga förutsättningar kan det visa sig hos medarbetarna.
Solo.rb − This file tells Chef about where to find cookbooks, roles, and data bags. Node.json − This file sets the run list and any node-specific attribute, if required. Se hela listan på C:\chef\cookbooks ginx>tree Folder PATH listing for volume Local Disk Volume serial number is BE8B-6427 C: ├───attributes ├───definitions ├───files │ └───default ├───libraries ├───providers ├───recipes ├───resources └───templates └───default On October 28, 2015, Chef Principal Engineer John Keiser presented a webinar on Custom Resources in Chef Client 12.5.