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‎UrbanDict - for Urban Dictionary website i App Store

Search. UrbanDictionary.com. 7 articles UrbanDictionary.store. 12 articles 2017-10-29 Urban Dictionary is the dictionary you write. This is the unofficial secret API. Why Urban Dictionary Is Horrifically Racist The crowd-sourced repository of internet slang is rife with racist and sexist content. But owner Aaron Peckham doesn't seem to care.

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Gross, but hilarious. Urban definition, of, relating to, or designating a city or town: densely populated urban areas. See more. What is said to someone when not to do something, but it is done anyway 2. Select the word you want to look up and press the extension icon to load the results in the popup. 3.

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Han pratar bland annat om: ▻ Den finske  Urban Dictionary är ett webbaserat uppslagsverk för slanguttryck som alla kan redigera (kräver registrering). Den 15 oktober 2012 hade sidan 6 789 701 skrivna  Många av orden är nya, andra har fått ändrad betydelse. Eller betydelser; uttrycket Boston tea party har 27 olika.

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Urban dictionary

More than 5 million street lingo words and expressions have been defined by the Internet community. Urban Dictionary. 4,483,412 likes · 5,849 talking about this. We sling slang. Urban Dictionary: Fularious Street Slang Defined. by Aaron Peckham, Creator of Urbandictionary.com, lives in San Luis Obispo, CA, BOOK Design Diane Marsh, | Jan 1, 2005. 4.1 out of 5 stars 16.

Urban dictionary

An Urban Dictionary entry from 2008 defined yeet as an excited exclamation, particularly in sports and sexual contexts.Another defined yeet yeet as an expression of approval, à la That’s what I’m talking about it! Why Urban Dictionary Is Horrifically Racist The crowd-sourced repository of internet slang is rife with racist and sexist content. But owner Aaron Peckham doesn't seem to care. 2.
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Safe for microwaves and  275 gilla-markeringar, 6 kommentarer - Euphoria (@euphoria.stream) på Instagram: "Euphoria character names X urban dictionary Part 2 POSTED  Vi och våra leverantörer lagrar och/eller får åtkomst till information på en enhet, exempelvis cookies, samt bearbetar personuppgifter,  Urban Dictionary, November 8: E-bola 8 November, Skitsnack, Engelska,. Sparad från urbandictionary.com. Urban Dictionary, March 28: MAGAts  urban dictionary beta male dating cafjywpmkl urban dictionary beta male dating wrdxhunzqb urban dictionary beta male dating pgvqlotmkw urban dictionary  Din sökning på lesbian urban dictionary ❤️️ www.datebest.xyz ❤️ BEST DATING SITE️ ❤️️ lesbian urban dictionary ❤️️ lesbian urban  Urban Dictionary: Weekend = two days in the week where most people are free to do what they please, from work, school, what have you. Urban Dictionary, November 8: E-bola Lol, 8 November, Skitsnack,. urbandictionary.

Not to be confused with: urbane Urban Dictionary, now in its 20th year, is a digital repository that contains more than 8 million definitions and famously houses all manner of slang and cultural expressions.
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e.g.: The man.

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For example, "Things" contains a "clothes, clothing" sub-category. That category contains a "shoes" sub-category. And that's one of the places that the slang word "kicks" appears in the urban thesaurus. 2021-04-11 If the English language was meant to evolve, then Urban Dictionary is the Charles Darwin of society.