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: Vad betyder ett bindestreck eller bindestreck i menyn

Dashes look like hyphens (which are used, for instance, to  Em dash: — (to isolate clauses and fragments). AJP Style requires en dashes ( not hyphens or em dashes) to be used for page spans. When inserting an aside in  understand, use the hyphen, en and em dash, the slash, brackets and braces to help Use a hyphen to tell the ages of people and things (years, months or. Note that there is no space added on either side of an em dash.

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Hyphen, en dash, em dash, short dash, long dash, thick dash – figuring out what to call that minus-like punctuation mark, which seems to vary in length depending on the circumstances, can be difficult. But it is far too strong to use words like “incorrect” and “error” for spans that are stated with hyphens. En dash vs. hyphen is a matter of style and preference.

English to Swedish Dictionary - Meaning of Hyphen in

The en dash is used to represent a span or range of numbers, dates, or time. Se hela listan på grammarly.com To insert an en dash: For PC, type “ctrl+minus.” For Mac, press “option+hyphen key.” For PC-laptop, since you don’t have a numeric pad, you’ll have to use the “Special symbols” menu of your word processor. A hyphen joins two or more words together while a dash separates words into parenthetical statements.

Bindestreck: English translation, definition, meaning

Hyphen vs dash

"Avsugning" He is, eight-seven-three-decimal-nine four-space-eight-hyphen-aught-n space-six-dash-four-four-twospa. Han är 873  International Tall Hyphen Planter - Set of 4 is enhanced with a dash-.

Hyphen vs dash

U+00AD är koden för mjukt bindestreck (engelska: soft hyphen) som används i ord i U+2014 (—) är koden för långt tankstreck (engelska: em dash). ­)” . http://stackoverflow.com/questions/226464/soft-hyphen-in-html-wbr-vs-shy. utropstecken ; Dash ( - ) , tankstreck ; Hyphen ( - ) , bindtecken ; Quotation marks ( " " ) .
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Hyphens and dashes look pretty similar, but their uses are very different!

An em dash ( —) is longer than an en dash ( –) and three times as long as a hyphen ( - ). Em dashes set apart parenthetical phrases or clauses in a sentence. In this use, em dashes are similar to commas and parentheses.
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Creating a dash is slightly more complicated and varies between word processing programs. For some, tapping the minus sign twice and hitting the space bar is enough, while others require a combination of the shift, control and option keys. Dashes vs. Hyphens Sometimes it can be easy to confuse dashes with hyphens when writing or editing content. For example, you might see text such as 9am-5pm in one reference and 9am–5pm in another. Note that a hyphen never has spaces on either side.

Forum thread titles for "en" - WordReference.com

How to Write Dialogue: How to Type Em Dash (or Long Dash) in Word - How to Type SAT  Dash vs bindestreck & nbsp; Dash och bindestreck är olika skiljetecken som har små raka linjer, vilket gör det svårt att skilja. Conky own_window_type docka vs desktop · Loudoun-valley.

However, it's  To be sure, the dash is no hyphen. The hyphen is smaller and comes between words like mother-in-law. The dash is longer and is created by placing two hyphens  Learn about the rules for using commas, colons, semicolons, and dashes. in mind when choosing to use a comma (,), colon (:), semicolon (;), or dash (—). 7 Nov 2020 You can also explicitly enter an em dash if you press Ctrl+Alt and the minus sign on the numeric keypad, or you can enter one by holding down  Semicolons, Colons, and Dashes.