Sectra söker Master Thesis - Medical IT i Linköping - LinkedIn
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Master’s thesis, 2018. Commissioned by Sectra AB. Lina Gunarsson. Semiautomatic De-Identification of Patient Data. Master’s thesis, 2018. Commissioned by Sectra AB. Justus Johansson-Lindkvist. Automatic De-Identification of Sectra employees are also always encouraged to develop their own skills and the skills of colleagues. Why should a person apply to do a master thesis assignment at Sectra?
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Ett gratis, snabbt och enkelt sätt att hitta ett jobb med 56.000+ annonser i Stockholm och andra stora städer i Sverige. Master Thesis R&D Fluid Dynamics Lab TLC rig You will be part of the Fluid Dynamic Lab team as Master Student and your Diploma Thesis has the aim to use an existing test rig for investigating the heat transfer inside additively manufactured test objects with varying internal STREAM / DOWNLOAD: 'Mic Club - The Curriculum' vinyl now: are now listen Master Thesis Project Opportunities. If interested, contact Mats Berg, Sebastian Stichel or Carlos Casanueva Perez. Ongoing M.Sc. Theses.
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…Master's thesis project: Introduction Interested in exploring the latest trends in cybersecurity and cryptography… Students are required to complete a master's thesis which is a research assignment with a workload corresponding to 30 credits. The thesis is written on a topic usually related to the student's major and agreed upon between the student and a professor who specializes in the topic.
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Linkoping, Sweden. Master thesis at Sectra Communications.
Examensarbete på avancerad nivå vid EECS / Master Thesis at EECS Innehåll visas utifrån dina val Om du inte hittar någon sida, schemahändelse eller nyhet på din kurswebb kan det bero på att du inte ser den kursomgången/gruppen inom kursen som innehållet tillhör. You are at the end of your education and want to contribute with a thesis relevant to Tetra Pak's business. We cannot guarantee that you will be able to perform your project at Tetra Pak, but we will match your profile towards the projects where we are looking for students.
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The required submission for a doctorate is called a Dissertation or Doktorarbeit. These regulations are a reworking of the previous Rules for Master’s thesis work, (Dnr C 2014-1392, Process 1.4 Leda utbildning).
At Sectra, we provide products and services that are beneficial for life and society – in the expanding niche segments of medical IT and cybersecurity. Sectra offers an enterprise imaging solution comprising PACS for imaging-intense departments (radiology, pathology, cardiology, orthopaedics), VNA, and share and collaborate solutions.
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Every year we host 30-40 master thesis projects, and the Open av J Molin · 2016 — The author supervised the master thesis that the paper is based on. The author I was also involved in a commercial project at Sectra aiming. This master thesis has been performed at Sectra Communications AB in Linköping where they manufacture electronic encryption devices. Linus Böös - Master Thesis - Sectra; Kartellen som sprängdes - CORE; Disruptive materials aktie Oskarshamn kommun sommarjobb. Master Thesis - Medical IT. Linköping. 24h.
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At Sectra’s HQ in Linköping, Sweden, we offer fun and educational placements for students seeking thesis projects in such areas as software development, medical IT, machine learning, image analysis, visualization, security—and much more. Sectra offers an enterprise imaging solution comprising PACS for imaging-intense departments (radiology, pathology, cardiology, orthopaedics), VNA, and share and collaborate solutions. For numerous consecutive years, Sectra has been awarded ‘Best in KLAS’ for highest customer satisfaction. Contact us Visit the Sectra Group website MASTER UPPSATS - ANOMALIDETEKTERING MED MACHINE LEARNING FÖR SCADA-INFRASTRUKTUR Kvalifikationer Du ska göra ditt examensarbete på Masternivå och du ska ha starka akademiska meriter. Plats Sectras huvudkontor Mjärdevi, Linköping Ansökan Skicka ditt CV och dina betyg senast den 14 november till Om Sectra Sectra was founded in 1978 by a team of researchers at Linköping University. Our business operations have been formed by passionate founders and employees with a genuine belief that its expertise and technology can be used to change society for the better. General qualifications for Master's thesis at Sectra: Enrolled in a Master’s program in software engineering or similar, with a strong academic record…Only thesis projects at the Master’s level are offered.
Geiberger P L: Analysis of the electric energy consumed of LKAB's iron ore train. Back Master theses 2010. Sara Abramowicz.